Manitoba Angus Association

About Us

The Manitoba Angus Association (MAA) is run by a volunteer board of directors. The board meets three or four times a year to oversee the organization and plan activities. Volunteers are welcome!

The MAA takes a lead role in organizing Angus events in Manitoba, assists with the Gold and Junior Shows, participates in industry events, trade shows and conferences, hosts member networking and educational activities and promotes the breed in print and online through the website and social media.

The MAA holds an annual meeting every year. Numerous events throughout the province will find the promotional booth in attendance during the year. Many breeders send bulls to the various test stations throughout the province with sales beginning in early spring. The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair takes place during the spring break, the last week in March and the main breed show is at Ag-Ex in the end of October or early November. Both these exhibitions are held in Brandon MB.

The MAA also actively promotes Fall Feeder sales at auction markets throughout the province. The Keystone Klassic, the main purebred sale is held the first weekend in December at the Keystone Centre in Brandon MB. If you require additional information about the above events, please visit our sales and shows page, or contact any member of the Board of Directors, the Secretary-Treasurer, or a Breeder in your area.

Private treaty on farm bull and female sales take place throughout the province as well as many consignment sales. Please feel free to contact any member for additional information.

For more information, please email.

To receive a copy of the of the Manitoba Angus Association's Herd Directory please contact Mandi Fewings.